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Happiness is homemade. It is not something you get, but something you do. Give of yourself and joy will find you.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Doll dresses for sale

Hello! It is finally December again. We have been busy trying to keep up with school and all of the acorns (many more than usual this year!) and the leaves continually falling in the yard. Learning about bees, wasps, and hornets close up was another surprise recently. We even had a scorpion fly in our house one day last month. Yes, such an insect really exists. Other than keeping busy on grading schoolwork, I have been driving my son to work most days and we are finally starting on driver's ed. He hopes to get his permit soon. Meanwhile, I have been learning to bake bread from scratch again lately as well as potato and ham soup...yum.

I suppose your year was as busy as mine! For me, this year has held a new set of challenges of very frugal living due to my husband’s job loss due to a fall last year. He recovered from that, and it is amazing how God has provided for each need since workman's comp. ended. That was a gentle first step, though, in learning to be content with less as it cut our "income" to subsistence level. After my only daughter's graduation, my husband's summer hospital stay and long recovery at home in summer and fall trained me in caring for additional needs while he rested. He is now back to better health, thankfully, and able to work again.

This fall, when my daughter went to college, I have been busy starting a doll dress website to help make ends meet. My husband does some web design for others, while looking for a job, so he promised to set up my site if I could sew something to sell. I went and got a DBA and began getting some dresses ready to sell while he set it all up for me. I love to sew, so I am glad I can do it in my “spare” time.

If you have an 18” Vision Forum or American Girl doll, or if you know someone who does, please go and visit my site at: harmonydollfashions.com. All dresses are $4.00 off the regular price through December!

I have more designs in mind and I hope to add them soon, so please spread the word and check back every week or two. Even if you don't buy anything, I would love to have your opinion on it and any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!

May hope and joy in Christ’s birth encourage you to persevere in caring for your family’s many needs through the Christmas season!

Blessings and Joy to you,
